
STARTX Application docker-images : AWX

Container running Ansible AWX infrastructure with backend components. Only based on public image. Do not need to be builded before running it

Run from local docker with docker-compose

Copy sources in your docker host

mkdir startx-docker-images; 
cd startx-docker-images;
git clone .

Run local containers

cd Applications/awx
docker-compose up -d

Monitor deployment

Wait for backend database initialisation (could take minutes)

cd Applications/awx
docker-compose logs awx_task

Accessing console

access the web console

firefox http://localhost:9220

Run from openshift PaaS

Connect to your openshift cluster

oc login -u <user> -p <pass> <url>

Create a project in order to scope the application

oc new-project demo

Add template to the project catalog

oc create -f

Execute this template

oc create -t startx-app-awx-template

Observe deployement

oc get all
oc logs dc/awx-awx_task